More Ways to Lighten Your Load This Summer!

Wash Dry Fold Raleigh NC: Lighten Your Laundry Load!

Welcome back! Our wash dry fold in Raleigh is here to continue offering tips that will hopefully help you lighten your summer laundry chores! We all prefer to spend time outdoors when the weather is nice. The last thing we want to do is laundry! Sadly, the bulk of our clothes washing for the year happens during the summer. Extra towels, clothes, and more end up adding to our already large laundry list.

Thankfully, as we mentioned last post, there are a few ways to lighten the load and spend more time with your friends and family doing fun summer activities! According to

Keep towels off the floor. Provide wall hooks for each member of the household, plus a bench or shelf to stow extras and a small hamper for dirties. For larger households, labeling each hook with a number or letter is an easy way to keep track of whose towel is whose.

Put a laundry basket in every room. Kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms each need their own laundry basket. (Remember, keep those baskets small so you’ll be more likely to do smaller loads more frequently!)

Make your laundry room a place that brightens your whites and your mood. Keeping things fresh and light in the laundry area can help make this chore feel a little more fun. Clean white or bright, sunny hues are a great choice. If you like to buy giant containers of detergent, decanting them into glass jars will make them more attractive and more convenient to use.

Add a multipurpose pinboard. Place a nice, big covered bulletin board in your laundry room and see how many ways you end up using it. You can hang family photos and inspiration of course, but also try pinning up stray socks, found items and a fabric care chart for easy reference.

Designate a spot for pocket contents. A bowl or basket placed on top of the washer serves as a visual reminder to check those pockets before washing that lip balm or money. For extra organizing credit, give each person their own little basket for small items that would otherwise be easily lost.

Wash Dry Fold Raleigh NC | Laundry Tips for Summer

Be sure to check back with our wash dry fold in Raleigh NC soon, as we will have a few more tips for helping you keep your laundry chores as minimal as possible this summer so you can spend more time doing fun activities! If you need help keeping your laundry done, consider our Raleigh Laundromat! We offer tons of laundry services!


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