Washing Winter Apparel

Wash-Dry-Fold Raleigh NC: Washing Winter Apparel is Easy With The Instructions Below!

Welcome back! In our last post, we began discussing how and when to wash winter apparel that we don’t wear often. To take a look back at our last post, visit here.

Today, we are going to take a look at a few essentials for extremely cold weather. Without them, our hands and heads would freeze! The question is,  how often should we wash them? Even in extreme cold, we don’t wear them as much as normal clothing.

Wash-Dry-Fold Raleigh NC | Hats, Gloves, and Scarves

Wash times: three to five times a season.

Washing guidelines: Oftentimes, these articles of clothing are ignored and never washed. It’s possible that each time you wear them, it’s only for 10-30 minutes at a time. Though they are only being worn for short periods of time, they do tend to get dirty anyway. Facial oil, makeup, perfume and germs can easily buildup on these winter essentials. Try to launder them at least three times a season, five if you wear them more than average.

How? Hand wash all knits. Dry-clean leather gloves and structured hats.

Never store gloves in coat pockets. “The glove linings get damp from your hand perspiration and need to air out. Otherwise, they could smell like mildew,” says Lindsey Wieber Boyd, a cofounder of the Laundress, a line of cleaning products.

Hosiery – How often you should wash them: After every wear.

Washing guidelines: Hosiery is very much like socks. They serve the same purpose, anyway. It’s important to hand wash them each time they’re worn, and then hang them to air dry.

Do you have problems snagging your nylons? To avoid this common mishap, place each pair into its own zip locked plastic bag, along with the packaging sleeve. That way, you’ll always know what brand, color, and size you have quickly without taking each pair out to inspect before wearing.

Washing winter apparel can be a confusing thing to figure out. Many times, that confusion leads to skipping the washing altogether.  That’s never a good idea, but it is possible to allow someone to do the washing for you!

Our wash-dry-fold in Raleigh NC will wash your winter apparel for you! We offer a drop off and pick up service for all your laundry needs. Once a month during winter, especially on a “warmer” day, gather up the family stock of coats, jackets, hats, sweatshirts, and any other frequently worn items during cold weather. We can dry clean and launder your load of laundry while you work!

If you have any questions about our wash-dry-fold in Raleigh NC, please feel free to contact us!


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