The Laundry That Never Gets Folded…Continued.

Wash Dry Fold Raleigh NC: Tips that help you deal with a growing pile of clean laundry!

Welcome back! In last post, our wash dry fold in Raleigh NC talked about the ever growing pile of dirty laundry that might get clean, but never folded or hung, after they leave the dryer. Our experts have a few tips that will help you deal this problem!

According to, “If your load consists of jeans, take one pair out at the time.  Hold it by the waistband and give it a good, hard flap.  Then lay it out flat on your folding surface.  You can lay several pairs on top of one another without causing them to become wrinkly.  Follow the same method for most any pair of long pants or shorts.”

For sheets and towels, states, “Pull them out quickly and just lay them flat.” Otherwise, the sheets will be so wrinkled that you’ll have to rewash them in order to get them out.

Now that you’ve learned the trick of keeping your unfolded clothes as wrinkle free as possible, what’s next? Laying them out flat does buy you time, but it also takes up a great deal of space! They still need to be folded, hung, and put away.

Wash Dry Fold Raleigh NC | How Often Should You Use This Method?


It’s important to use this method only once a week or when laundry is really out of hand. Getting in the habit of never immediately folding clothes is never good.

Also, when you use this method, be sure to put all the clothing on your bed. That way, you have to move them when it’s time to go to bed. Hopefully, you will then fold and put them away, instead of just moving them to another resting place.


Maybe you are a wash-once-a-week type of laundress.  If that’s the case, you may choose to save all of the folding until all of the loads are completed.  Turn on your favorite show from the DVR and fold away.

Hopefully these tips will help you learn to adapt a laundry routine, whether you do a load a day or use the method we talked about today, and in our last post. Having a laundry routine really helps keep things in order.

Also, if you need help getting your mountain of laundry clean and folded, be sure to check our Raleigh Laundromat services, including wash dry fold in Raleigh NC. Contact us for more information!


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