Summer Vacation Packing Tips!

Summer will be here before we know it and with that comes vacations! The most stressful part about vacationing is the packing, unpacking and laundry afterwards that must be done. Thankfully, there are a few tips that we can offer you to help you pack the essentials and nothing more. That way, you’re able to pack and unpack in a more organized and efficient way!

Packing Tips | Wash Dry Fold Raleigh NC

Make a list. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with an old-fashioned written list. Write down what you know you’ll need during the trip. For clothing, it’s important to pack the following:

  • Basic Undergarments (including a pair of socks)
  • 1 Pair of Jeans
  • A Warm Layering Piece (open cardigan, sweatshirt or other long sleeved item for cooler nights)
  • 1 Nice Dress or Pants Option
  • 1 Pair of Tennis or Hiking Shoes

Once you’ve made your list of must-have clothing items, it’s important to stick to it while you do your packing. As you go, cross items that are packed off the list so that when it’s time to pack up the car, you know you have those items – without a doubt!

Repacking is one of the most detrimental things you can do for a vacation. Especially if it’s a trip that’s longer than 5 days. When repacking, you’re likely to leave essentials out and add more non-essentials. Make a list, reference the list as you’re packing and cross items off the list as you put them in the suitcase!

Be Reasonable. You may only be going on a 4 day, long weekend trip. Remember that when packing. It’s easy to head out the door with a suitcase packed for 7 days. Be practical. Pack only what you’ll need. If you have to pack one or two extra tops, make sure both tops match the same pair of pants to cut down on space.

Pack Accordingly. Where are you vacationing and why? Do you have a wedding to attend during your trip? Will you be dining out at a fancy restaurant? If so, you will have to pack accordingly. Packing more than one dress might be needed. One of the problems with packing accordingly is over packing. You need 4 dresses while you’re on the trip. That could mean 4 pairs of shoes – unless you choose one pair that goes with every dress. Or, at the most, pack 2 pairs of shoes that go with each of the 4 dresses. Think neutral colors when trying to cut down on the amount of shoes being packed. Neutral colors go great with any dress print, color and can even go with your more causal outfits, as well!

Making sure you pack reasonably and accordingly can be tricky when it comes to vacations. Making sure you really think about what you’ll need, making a list and then following that list will help! For more tips on summer vacation packing, be sure to visit back with our blog, soon!

Laundry Express | Wash Dry Fold Raleigh NC

If you find that you need help laundering your summer clothing before or after your vacation, stop by our Wash Dry Fold in Raleigh NC! Our laundromat offers you a great place to do all your laundry at once! It’ll cut your laundry time in half so you can spend more time outdoors, enjoying the beautiful weather!


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