Summer Laundry Tips, Continued!

We can all agree that with every generation mothers have been very busy.  We’d be willing to say that modern day moms are the busiest of all. We are all just way to busy!  Our biggest issue by far is finding ways to simplify and get it all done.  We are all different and so are the busy lives we lead so each of us have our own unique ways of doing things.

If you are anything like us, we are always looking for a way to establish routines that help us get through the mountains of laundry summer time brings.  Juggling  a full-time job, family, and all of the home chores that come with being a wife and mom.

In our previous blog, we talked about establishing a laundry routine particularly for these busy summer months full of fun and playtime.  In this post we are going to continue with tips to help ease the strain of extra laundry and hopefully make this chore a bit simpler for you and your family.

Tips | Coin-Op Laundry in Raleigh NC

1.  In our very busy lives the clothes dryer has become one of the most convenient appliances and one most of us feel we cannot live without!  However, if you live in an area where you have a backyard, there is nothing that rivals the sunshine for drying your linens and sheets.  The smell of those linens after a day of drying outside is like nothing else on earth.  You also save on electricity and can enjoy some time outdoors in the sunshine while hanging your laundry.

2.  There is no doubt that doing Laundry is one of our most boring of chores but you can also get in a little down time while waiting between loads.  You can pop in some music or use your earbuds and smartphone app to enjoy your time or simply take some time to enjoy a summer time novel you have been wanting to get started on.

3.  Sort….Sort….Sort.  Use creative ideas to get that laundry sorted ahead of wash time.  There are numerous ways to encourage your family to help with this task and make moms job even easier.  Hampers with three sections for whites, dark’s, and colors are great as well as an extra for delicate’s.   This ensures that you can get the laundry straight into the washer saving valuable fun-time for Mom.

4.  Learn to accept some help from the family.  Children love to help fold and put away clothes from a really early age.  What better time to start teaching them how to become responsible for their own laundry.  Of course we have to lower our expectations and our (my) tendency toward perfectionism!  This leads to children being able to wash their own laundry as they get older thus freeing Mom from this task.

5.  As noted in our previous blog post one of the best ways to stay on top of the mountain of laundry is to do a load a day from beginning to end…..Just one!  But for summer,  we do suggest you give yourself a day off.  Taking one day a week to spend fun time with the family without the hassles of laundry and cleaning will give you more satisfaction and certainly more wonderful memories than one can imagine.

Lastly we all know how summer means different laundry stains than any other time of year so here are a few extra tips for those special summer time stains:

  • Sweat Stains:  Rub the affected area with a bar soap before putting in to washer.  A mix of vinegar and hot water can also help to get rid of this type stain.
  • Ice Cream Stains:  Soak for 10 minutes in cold water then add dish detergent to the stain and allow to sit at least 30 minutes then rinse and launder as usual.
  • Mud Stains:  Brush off as much of the excess mud as possible.  Soak with a mixture of water, vinegar, and a squirt of dish detergent. Rinse well and then launder as usual.

Summer is a beautiful wonderful time of the year and vacationing with the family is one way to enjoy all that glorious relaxing time.  If you find yourself overwhelmed either before or after your vacation time stop by and drop off or arrange for pick up and delivery of your laundry at Laundry Express, coin-op laundry in Raleigh NC.  We will help you get your laundry done so that you can get on with spending time this summer outside and having fun with family and friends this season.


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