Stain Removal: Grease

Did your husband get his new shirt greasy when he crawled under your car and changed the oil? Did your wife forget the lip balm in her pants pocket and run it through the wash? Maybe you just got a little carried away when you deep fried those fish. Whatever the grease or oil stain, there’s almost certainly a way for you to remove it using a few tips.

Stain Removal for Grease | Wash Dry Fold Raleigh NC

G­reasy, oily stains are often the most difficult to get ou­t of clothing and other mat­erials. Use these tips and tools to make stain removal easy and get rid of those stubborn marks once and for all.  One of the biggest tips for any stain removal is to always be prepared for any kind of stain. Whether you’re working in the garage or at the stove, keep these tips handy so you’ll be prepared to remove these tough greasy, oily stains.

  • Blot up the excess grease as soon as possible.
  • Apply an absorbent and let it soak up the spill.
  • After brushing out the powder on the laundry stains, sponge the area with a dry-cleaning solvent, spot lifter, or cleaning fluid.
  • Then apply a dry spotter such as baby powder, cornstarch or even salt to any remaining stain.
  • Cover the stain with an absorbent pad dampened with dry spotter and let it remain in place until no more stain is lifted.
  • Change the pad as it picks up the stain.
  • To help loosen the stain, occasionally tamp (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) the area, blotting up any loosened material.
  • Flush with one of the liquid dry-cleaning solvents.

If any trace of stain remains:

  • Sponge stain with water and apply a wet spotter and a few drops of ammonia.
  • Tamp the stain again, blotting with an absorbent pad to remove any loosened material.
  • Flush the area with water and repeat until no more stain is removed.
  • Allow to dry.

You may also try spraying a little WD-40 or lighter fluid carefully onto the clothing.  WD-40 is effective in removing grease from some surfaces, as are lighter fluids.  BUT always test an inconspicuous area of the clothing as it is always better to be safe than sorry!

Follow these steps to remove cooking grease and auto grease stains from carpets and rugs:

  • Blot up as much excess as possible and apply an absorbent, such as cornmeal.
  • After letting the absorbent work, brush (the method of using a stiff-bristled brush to gently remove dried stains and spots) it out of the fabric.

If a stain remains:

  • Sponge (the method of using light strokes with a dampened pad working outward from the center of the stain) with a dry cleaning solvent, spot lifter (except on acetate blends) or a cleaning fluid.
  • Then apply a dry spotter to the area.
  • Cover the stain with an absorbent pad dampened with dry spotter.
  • Let it remain in place as long as any stain is being lifted.
  • Change the pad as it picks up the stain. Keep both the stain and pad moist with dry spotter.

Laundry Express | Wash Dry Fold Raleigh NC

If you find that you need help laundering your summer clothing before or after your vacation, stop by our Wash Dry Fold in Raleigh NC! Our laundromat offers you a great place to do all your laundry at once! It’ll cut your laundry time in half so you can spend more time outdoors, enjoying the beautiful weather!


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