Stain Removal: Blood

During these hot summertime months stains are always a problem.  The most problematic of all it seems are blood stains.  Scrapes and scratches and certainly nosebleeds can wreak havoc on clothing and towels.

Whether you nick yourself while shaving, or receive an unexpected scratch, it’s important to treat the stains on your clothing as soon as possible; blood stains are relatively easy to remove before they set but can be nearly impossible to wash out after 24 hours. At least taking the time to rinse and pretreat will help alleviate the “setting in” of a blood stain.  Using these helpful hints should keep the fun in your summer!

Vinegar | Raleigh Laundromat

If you can get to the stain before it sets, treat it by pouring full-strength white vinegar on the spot. Let it soak in for 5-10 minutes, then blot well with a cloth or towel. Repeat if necessary, then wash immediately.


Rub out perspiration, blood, and urine stains on clothing by dabbing the area with a half-strength solution of ammonia and water before laundering.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This works only on fresh bloodstains: Apply 3% hydrogen peroxide directly to the stain, rinse with fresh water, and launder as usual.


This trick is great for bloodstains that happen outside of the home. Instead of waiting to treat the stain when you get home, grab the nearest bottle of cola (yes, soda pop!) and begin soaking the stain. Aim to soak the stain in cola overnight for best results.


Pretreat bloodstains with WD-40. Spray some directly on the stains, wait a couple of minutes, and then launder as usual. The WD-40 will help lift the stain so that it will come out easily in the wash. Try to get to the stain while it is still fresh, because once it sets, it will be harder to get rid of. Use WD-40 to pretreat other stubborn stains on clothing, such as lipstick, dirt, grease, and ink stains.


The quicker you act, the better. Whether it’s on clothing or table linens, you can remove or reduce a bloodstain with this method. Make a paste of cornstarch mixed with cold water. Cover the spot with the cornstarch paste and rub it gently into the fabric. Now put the cloth in a sunny location to dry. Once dry, brush off the remaining residue. If the stain is not completely gone, repeat the process.

Talcum Powder

To remove fresh bloodstains from clothing or furniture, make a paste of water and talcum powder and apply it to the spot. When it dries, brush away the stain. Substitute cornstarch or cornmeal if you are out of talcum powder.

Cold Salt Water | Raleigh Laundromat

As quickly as possible, soak a bloodstained item of clothing in a pot of cold salt water.  It is recommended that you not use hot water to remove a blood stain because it could make the stain set in; instead soak the fabric in a quart of cold water with two tablespoons of table salt, after it soaks for 3-4 hours, rub the stain with liquid detergent and throw it in the wash.

For more laundry tips be sure to visit back with our blog soon! We have tons of laundry tricks to help you keep your laundry stresses at bay! If you’re running yourself ragged, trying to keep up with all the extra laundry, also be sure to check out our Raleigh Laundromat! We offer state of the art machines for washing and drying. We also offer laundry services that include dry cleaning, wash-dry-fold, and stain removal! Don’t fall behind on laundry when we are here to help! Visit us soon!


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