Pre-Spring Clean Your Laundry Routine!

With February in full swing, one can’t help but long for spring! While we love spring for its longer days, blooming trees and warmer weather, we also know that spring cleaning comes with it, as well. In older times, people would board their homes up for winter and then in the spring open them up again and thoroughly clean their homes so they could let in the fresh spring air.

Pre-Spring Cleaning | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

Why wait until spring though? There’s nothing actually keeping you from pre-spring cleaning your laundry routine, right now! Of course, you might be thinking, how do you spring clean your laundry routine? Don’t worry, it’s easy! Spring cleaning your laundry routine is simply revamping your current laundry routine by making it easier; less work, less clothing, less hassle. It’s fairly exciting to think that if you rework your laundry before spring, come warmer weather and longer days, you’ll have more time to spend outdoors instead of doing tons of laundry!

Clean Out the Closets | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

Though it might not seem like it’s laundry routine related, it’s an important first step in pre-spring cleaning your laundry routine!! In addition, cleaning out the closets should be a spring cleaning job that’s done at least once a year, anyway! Getting rid of clothing that doesn’t fit anymore, items you don’t wear for various reasons, and clearing away clothing that you’re just tired of does more than one good thing.

First, it lightens your laundry routine. Many times, we pull clothing down to wear it, never wear it and leave it laying on the floor in the closet. Then, when it is laundry time, we’re unsure of its cleanliness, so to be on the safe side, we wash it again.  This extra laundry can account for a great deal of effort, washing detergent and energy, once you realize just how often you rewash clean clothes.

Second, eliminating clothing that you don’t want/need will help the clothes you do want/need to last longer. Clothing that is crowded together needs more attention than clothing that has air circulating around it. By eliminating those unwanted clothing pieces, you’ll keep your good clothing from excessively rubbing against other clothing. That excessive rubbing can cause articles to look worn no matter what you do to keep them looking new. In addition, clothing that is bunched together in a tight space needs ironing more than clothing that has space to breath.

For more information on how to pre-spring clean your laundry routine, check back with Laundry Express, coin laundry in Raleigh NC, soon! Our next blog post will have more information to make your laundry routine easier!

Laundry Express | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

Need extra help getting your laundry routine in order? Laundry Express, coin laundry in Raleigh NC, can help you do your laundry! We do offer a traditional laundromat, but we also offer other laundry services to the Raleigh area! Bring your clothes to us and we will wash them for you!


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