It’s hard to believe that it’s almost out with 2016 and in with 2017! Ringing out the old and bringing in the new gives us new purpose and hopefully a great new start. Did you know that there are some really fun New Year’s Superstitions that go along with ringing in the new? Today’s post will look at some of these superstitions and hopefully help you get off on the right foot for the new year. It might also help you get all your laundry in Raleigh NC done before the first day of 2017!
Superstitions | Laundry Raleigh NC
If you or a new addition to the family is born on the first day of the year it is believed that they are very fortunate and lucky. Being born on the first day of the year is thought to bring good luck throughout a persons life but also to the family in which they are born. The tradition of exchanging a kiss with someone we love is said to ensure our affection throughout the year. The following are some other superstitions related to the New Year:
- The thing you find yourself doing the very first hour of the New Year is what you will be doing the remainder of the year.
- If you are fortunate to see a white butterfly first this year you will have good luck all year long.
- Make sure to not change your undershirt and underwear on New Years. Doing so is believed to cause boils!
- Do something on New Years Day that pertains to your normal work. This will also bring luck.
- Before the stoke of midnight you will need to open all the doors in the house. This is thought to let out the old year and bring in the new.
- Joyful noise makers and horns are blown because the devil hates loud noise. This brings us joy in the new year nut keeps the devil and evil spirits away.
- Eating black eyed peas and greens will bring luck and money .
- Eating cornbread on this day will bring wealth.
- Eating chicken on New Years will bring bad luck financially instead eat pork!
- Cabbage is also considered a lucky food to be eaten on New Years.
When it comes to our house cleaning chores there are some superstitions as well.
- Since it is said that what you do on this important day will influence the rest of your year do not wash clothes on this day as it will bring a year of hard work to you. It is also said you might wash someone out of your family if you do laundry today.
- Do not sweep your house today or you risk sweeping out someone important or your good luck as well.
- Cleaning out the barn between Christmas and New Years will keep your livestock safe from any witches hanging around.
- It is also thought that doing laundry, knitting, or sewing between Christmas and New Years should not be done.
- Doing laundry on New Years can mean you are washing away a member of the family! Washing dishes can apply as well. That means get all your laundry in Raleigh NC done before the first day of the new year!
To make sure you have good luck for all of 2017 make certain that you begin it with a clean and organized home and laundry routine. Then take New Years day off so that these superstitions will not apply to you. Laundry Express can help you catch up on all of your family’s laundry in Raleigh NC. We offer a state of the art laundromat and a was dry fold service. Our dry cleaning services are also here to help you get a handle on all your laundry and help you start your New Year out right. Call us today!