New Years Resolutions for Laundry Routines Part 2: Speed

coin laundry Raleigh NCOne of the largest and time consuming chores we have is our laundry. Procrastination does not get this chore done any faster and most of us certainty have no laundress on standby to do it for us.  In order to get this dreaded chore done quickly we must establish a good laundry routine.  In our last blog post we offered some really good tips on getting organized and beginning to establish a good routine for our laundry.  Now that your space is ready and you hopefully have the family on board we are now going to look at implementing this routine and speeding up this routine to get you back to more enjoyable tasks in this New Year.

Speed Up Your Routine | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

One of the most important and best ways to speed up your laundry routine is to establish a schedule for the laundry.  Throwing in a load of laundry that is a mixture of one another’s clothes really just bogs down your schedule.  Establish a daily schedule in which certain family members clothes are washed on a particular day. Only that person’s clothing gets done that day of the week.  This may take some adjusting but you will find this actually will speed up your laundry process.  It will also encourage each family member to be certain that they have their laundry organized into their laundry basket and in the laundry area ready for washing on their day.  This saves you loads of work and ensures that they have clean laundry ready to go for the week.  You may have to do a bit of tweeking in the beginning but a great laundry routine will soon emerge.

Time the Machines | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

As we talked about before you must get to know your washer and dryer and each ones capabilities.  How long is the cycle you use most for your washer?  How much time does the dryer require for drying basic loads of laundry?  Going so far as to write down these times will help you figure out how many loads you can expect to get done in the time frame you have each day. If you are home all day then of course you will have more time than say if you only have the evening hours to work with.  If you have a timer on each machine be sure to use it.  If not buy yourself a cheap timer and set it as a reminder the laundry is done.  This will keep your routine on track and running smoothly.


Teach your family to also sort the laundry.  When they bring their laundry to the designated area have a whites, colors, and delicate’s hamper so that they can then pre-sort their laundry for you thus saving you much needed time.  You can add whatever you need to speed up the process for you.  Not only should your family be responsible for bringing their laundry to the laundry area, they should also be responsible (according to age) for helping to fold and put their own laundry away. This not only helps you keep things moving, saving you time but it also teaches our children responsibility.

The biggest tip we can offer is the most important one.  Keep on top of the routine!  In order for it to work we have to do laundry from start to finish as many days a week as it takes to stay ahead of Mount Washmore!  Laundry can pile up so quickly that we are overwhelmed before we know it.

Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

If you want to establish a great routine but need help getting caught up on your laundry call us at Laundry Express.  We offer wash-dry-fold services to get you caught up and ready for your new routine.  Call today to learn more!


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