Making Your Own Fabric Softeners

Coin laundry Raleigh NCLet’s face it!  Many of us are concerned about the chemicals and components used to make all sorts of things we use on our bodies each and every day.  From soaps, deodorants, shampoos, and hand sanitizers to our laundry detergents and fabric softeners, not to mention fabric softener sheets, there are a lot of toxic stuff being used in everyday products.  Sadly even if the product is labeled as being. organic, natural, and even “green” you can never be sure if the company is really trustworthy.  Last blog we talked about how to make your own homemade laundry detergent.  Today we are going to give you some great recipes and tips for making your own fabric softeners and fabric sheets.

One of the easiest ways to soften your laundry is vinegar….Yes vinegar!  Vinegar is a natural fabric softener and it is great for removing excess soap residue that may accumulate in the washing machine ad will also reduces any static that can be a problem in the dryer.  The easiest way to add vinegar to the washer is to pour it into your fabric softener dispenser.  If you don’t have a dispenser then you can use a ball specifically made for adding fabric softener to the wash and simply use vinegar inside it.  You can also experiment with adding essential oils to your vinegar to make your clothes smell great also.  Some oils fight stains, some fight odors better than others.  You can try whatever combinations you like to get your desired effect.

DIY Fabric Softener | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC


  • 1 Gallon of White Vinegar (you will not want to use apple cider vinegar)
  • 30-40 drops of 100% pure essential oil (your choice of scents)

Mix together in a bottle and shake well.  You will want to shake well before you use it each time.  If you have a small load 1/2 cup is plenty. If you have a larger load add more up to a cup.  For HE washers you will want to experiment with amounts but begin with a 1/4 cup.

Dryer Sheets | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

It is important to note that these homemade dryer sheets will not soften your laundry.  They will only ass scent.  To help soften you will want to use a felted wool ball which will also help with static and cut down on drying time.  Be SURE you use the vinegar in the wash to help soften.

Cut up cotton cloth of your choice and print into small squares.  Next you will add about 3-5 drops of an essential oil (your choice)  directly onto the cloth.  Simply throw it into the dryer with your wet laundry.  This cloth can be reused up to 3 times by adding 3 more drops of essential oil for every load.  Then wash the cloth and begin again!

Making your own laundry detergents and fabric softeners ensure that you know what you are putting in them.  It may take a few washes for you to remove all the stuff that has accumulated on your clothes from using commercial products.  We grow immune to the chemical perfumes in these products over time but we promise you will notice a difference once you make the switch to do it yourself products.

Laundry Express, coin laundry in Raleigh NC, knows trying to keep up with all your family’s laundry can become time consuming.  Our laundromat offers state of the art machines for all your washing and drying needs.  Call us with any questions you may have and to inquire about our wash dry fold services and more!


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