Laundry Tips and Tricks

Looking for ways to lessen your laundry load this summer? We’ve got some great tips for you that will do just that! Why waste your summer bogged down with laundry load after load when you can do a few tricks to help keep things at a minimum!?

Laundry Tips and Tricks | Fluff and Fold Raleigh NC

Boost Your Detergent – Sometimes our laundry detergent doesn’t work as well as we hoped it would. Instead of going to purchase a different brand, try enhancing the one you have. Add baking soda to a washing machine’s rinse cycle to help your clothes become more thoroughly rinsed. They will fight the stain accumulation that can sometimes come with hard water. The baking soda helps the detergent work better and acts as a deodorizer for clothing with a bit of odor, as well. They’ll also feel softer!

Lint Remover – According to Good Housekeeping, “If you have a cat or dog that sheds, you probably have a lint roller or two lying around the house. If you’re not used to lint or hairs on your clothes — or if you’ve had to roll one too many shirts and are out of sheets — you may be desperate for a solution, but don’t start tearing off pieces of scotch tape yet. Using three inch slivers of tape at a time will make you run through an entire roll before your pants are a solid black again; there’s a more efficient way to get the job done. Make your own lint remover by rolling up an old magazine or thin mail-order catalog and wrapping wide adhesive tape around it so the sticky side faces out. Pass it lightly over clothing or upholstery fabric to remove lint, bits of thread and stray hairs. You’ll cover a bigger surface area.”

Wash Often – Having a designated laundry day tends to be too much to handle. Especially if you have children, one laundry day a week can end up taking you a full eight or more hours! Instead, try washing a load a day. Even if you don’t have enough laundry to do every single day, do a small load a few times a week! Throwing in a load of towels while you pick the kids up from school and then drying them when you get back can make a big difference. You can fold them while you watch your nightly TV show!

Set Reminders – It’s a given, that if you choose to start washing a small load of laundry every day or few days, that you’ll more than likely forget they’re in the washer. Or, you’ll forget they’re in the dryer. Until you get in the swing of multiple laundry days, this will happen and happen often! Instead of having to re-wash or iron your life away, start setting timers on your cell phone. That way, you’ll never forget to change over the laundry or fold and hang the freshly dried clothing!

We hope these tips help you keep your your laundry load to a minimum this upcoming summer season so you can spend more time doing fun activities outdoors! Go to the lake, zoo or beach without worrying about extra laundry!

Also take advantage of our fluff and fold in Raleigh NC this summer! Just drop your clothing and other items that need laundering and then stop back by to pick them up! They’ll be washed and folded for you!


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