How To Remove Pet Hair From Clothing

One thing is for sure, if you are a pet lover and owner, pet hair can be a real issue when it comes to your clothing.  We all love our furry friends but we don’t love the excess hair that finds it’s way onto whatever we happen to be wearing.

If you are like us it seems to happen just when you are all dressed and ready for an important meeting or date and in a really big hurry.  The following are some helpful hints to hopefully get you back on track and out the door pet hair free!

Remove Pet Hair Easily | Raleigh Laundromat

  • Wet the palm of your hand and in a downward motion wipe the hair.  Your pet hair should adhere to the hand.  Once the pet hair is wet it should be unable to stick to your clothing due to the nature of static electricity.
  • If you have a latex glove of some sort Rubbing the clothing with it should also remove the hair.  Rubber gloves such as gardening gloves can also work in the same way.  Wetting the glove a bit will increase the amount of the effectiveness.
  • Dampening a sponge can work in much the same way.  Just be careful not to wet it to much.
  • Believe it or not a balloon inflated and rubbed across the hair will also help get the hair off.
  • One of the easiest ways is to invest in a lint roller.  These are sold in most stores and have a sticky surface that you roll across your clothing and the hair is removed.  Velcro rollers can also do the same trick.
  • Wrapping tape around your hand with the sticky adhesive side out and then moved over your clothing can also work in a pinch.  Masking tape works really great for this.  Some folks like duct tape.  You will need to change pieces often as the hair will make it harder for more to stick.
  • If you are already at work when you discover the problem simply use  sticky sided office labels.  the bigger the better.
  • A rubber brush with soft bristles will also bunch up the hair as you move it across the clothing and you can then just remove it.  You can find these usually in the laundry and pet areas of many big box stores.
  • A fabric softener sheet that you use in the dryer to soften your clothes will also work.  Just wipe it across the area covered in pet hair and it will help you get it off.
  • Another little known trick is to use your athletic shoes. The sole of the shoe brushed across the hair will remove it.  Just be sure the shoe sole is clean!

Making sure your dogs or cats are brushed daily and that they are properly nourished with a skin and coat supplement if necessary can really help with the animals shedding.  Feeding a proper diet will also stop the hair loss and flaking skin .  See your veterinarian for more ideas on preventing hair loss and shedding.

Visit our Raleigh Laundromat

If you are running yourself ragged trying to keep up with this and other laundry needs be sure to check out our Raleigh Laundromat!  We offer state of the art machines for washing and drying.  We also offer laundry services that include dry cleaning , wash-dry-fold and stain removal!  Visit us soon!



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