Green Laundry Tips

Green Tips | Coin-Op Laundry in Raleigh NC

There is a lot of talk today about going green and becoming more eco-friendly.  Today we want to look at ways we can extend that thought into our laundry room.  Of course the quickest and easiest way is the most costly to the budget and that is to purchase newer, higher efficiency machines to do our laundry.  These machines use less water, conserve energy, and keep your clothes looking newer longer.  However if you are not ready for that option there are many ways to go greener while doing the laundry.  Here are some tips you can implement today to get you started on green-cleaning!

  • Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water….This is one of the best things you can begin doing to make doing the laundry more eco-friendly.  It is estimated that 90% of the energy used to run your top loader machine comes from the heating up of the water used.  Studies have shown that contrary to our way of thinking Cold water used with a detergent formulated for cold water washing will get your clothes as clean as hot.  An added benefit is that the clothes will stay newer longer and will not shrink as much.  Not to mention the savings each month in energy costs!
  • Pre-Soak…. If you have some particularly stained and dirty laundry washing in cold water will still work.  Pre-soaking is important here.  Use a natural stain remover to help get the stains out and then soak using the cycle on your washing machine or simply fill the tub and turn off the machine for a while then start the regular wash cycle.
  • Load Size….Pay close attention to your load size.  Washing a full load is more energy efficient than many more smaller loads.  If you do need to do smaller loads be sure to adjust the level of water.  Some washing machines do this automatically but pay close attention to how yours operates.
  •  Check out the Lint….Most of us know to look for accumulated lint in our dryers but did you know your washer can also harbor lint.  A periodic cleaning around the tub and any gaskets will also keep your machine running smoothly and efficiently.
  • Separate heavy and light….It is more efficient to dry lighter weight items together.  Heavier things such as towels should be dried with towels and bedsheets with bedsheets.
  • No Overdrying….If your dryer has a moisture sensor you are in luck!  Learn how it works and be sure to use it to your advantage.  If not then a great laundry trick is to take your clothing out while it is still a bit damp.  Hang till fully dry.Dryer balls also help speed up drying times.
  • Drying Racks….Consider using a drying rack in your laundry room especially for those towels you might not need right away.  You will be surprised how great they will feel in time and at how much energy you save each month.
  • No Iron Zone….Ironing is a time consuming energy eater.  To keep wrinkles at bay try hanging your clothes as soon as they are done.  Folding quickly and getting laundry put away verses allowing it to stay in the basket will also cut down on ironing.

These are just a few of the many tips to help you lessen the impact you make doing the laundry on the environment.  When you replace your old Washer and Dryer consider getting the best high efficiency ones you can afford.

Laundry Express | Coin-Op Laundry in Raleigh NC

If you are running yourself ragged trying to keep up with all your extra laundry, check us out at Laundry Express, coin-op laundry in Raleigh NC!  We offer many types of laundry services in our laundromat.  Our was-dry-fold service can help you get ahead so you can enjoy this beautiful fall season.  Contact us today!


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