Establishing A Laundry Routine – Overview

One of the hardest routines for us to establish and maintain is a laundry routine.  No matter how much we hate it doing the wash on a regular basis is something that has to be done.  Not only our day to day clothing but bath towels, sheets, dish towels and more must be washed regularly.  Creating a schedule for our laundry will keep it from becoming our own “Mt. Washmore”!

Laundry Routine | Raleigh Laundromat

One of the worst things we are sure you will agree is a last minute panic created when you realize a uniform or an important outfit did not get washed.  In order to keep the chaos at bay asking yourself a few simple questions that will help in establishing a laundry plan.

First:  Who is in charge of the laundry and how many loads is the family doing in a week?  In a larger family this can easily be six or more loads.  This also needs to include sports stuff and any other extracurricular activities that require special clothing.  A smaller family of course will have three or four loads a week.  Realistically we all have more laundry than we think in a weeks time so this stage of planning is critical if we hope to get this part of our household chores under control.

Second:  you will need to establish what days and times can you fit doing laundry into the families schedule.  Let’s face it we are all busy so this takes some planning.  Can you throw a load in before leaving for work in the morning and into the dryer when you get home?  Would this need to be at least one load a day or will one load every other day work best?  You must be realistic about the scheduling so that only the laundry gets done during this time.  If you have help from the family in this area then getting the laundry routine established will be even easier.

Third:  Establish what needs washed and when.  Also decide how often certain items need washed.  You must also take in to account that laundry must be separated into whites, brights, and dark’s.  Some items must be washed separately  such as delicate items.  These items will tend to be a much smaller load and done in between the normal loads.  A simple way to handle bedding and linens is to first decide how often they need washed. For example bed sheets and pillowcases.  Once a week or twice a month?  You may want to establish certain day of the week for these items such as Saturday.

Lastly you must decide if you enjoy or if you really hate doing the laundry.  If you really hate it then it is much harder to establish and get into the routine of doing the laundry.  We tend to let it pile up into “Mt. Washmore” and then try to attack it in a laundry frenzy over a period of a couple of days.  This is the best reason for creating a good laundry schedule.  Spreading it out over the week keeps you from feeling overwhelmed and attached to the laundry room for hours at a time.

Answering these questions in a realistic way about your families approach to the laundry in your home will hopefully get you ready for the next phase.  Over the next few weeks we will talk more about choosing the best routine for your particular situation.  We will also give tips on how to establish a laundry routine that fits you.  Hopefully by trial and error you will be able to decide what works for you and once and for all you can slay “Mt. Washmore” once and for all.

If you’re running yourself ragged, trying to keep up with all the extra laundry, also be sure to check out our Raleigh Laundromat! We offer state of the art machines for washing and drying. We also offer laundry services that include dry cleaning, wash-dry-fold, and stain removal! Don’t fall behind on laundry when we are here to help! Visit us soon!


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