In our crazy, chaotic, busy family lives it is a reality that household chores eat up a lot of our extra time. Laundry is one of those have to do chores that we cannot afford to just ignore or skip over. Laundry is for most of us busy parents a reality. The reasons why we dread this chore actually make little sense. After all you put the clothes in, add a bit of soap, push a few buttons, and viola, clean clothes!
Well, maybe not that simple always but at least it is simple enough that we should not dread this chore quite so much. Sometimes we do have some laundry problems to deal with. This post will address some really common laundry problems and how we can deal with them. Be sure to visit us for the best laundry service in Raleigh NC!
Smelly Clothing | Laundry Service Raleigh NC
Once in a while, even after washing clothes, they will retain smells. If you have gym clothes, or sports uniforms this can be a huge problem. If these types of clothing are giving you a hard time then there are some detergents specifically designed to clean these clothes. Look for them at any big box store. You can also try adding white vinegar to the rinse cycle to help remove smells
Yellowing Whites:
There are many things that can cause your whites to yellow in the wash. The biggest culprit is hard water. The extra minerals and rust in our water can yellow or cause our whites in particular to look dingy. If you have well water especially this can be a problem. Over a long period of time your clothes can be damaged beyond repair. Try adding some all fabric bleach or a boost product to your wash. There are products available for whites only that will help keep this problem at bay.
Colors that Bleed:
One of the biggest laundry problems that is also the most damaging is color bleeding. This is when the dye in a garment bleeds its color onto another garment. The easiest way to fix this problem is to be certain to sort your clothing by color before washing. Skipping this all important step will be a problem. If you do have an accident there are a few products on the market that claim to catch the color if used promptly. Some detergents today are made to help prevent this from being an issue. Look for these products at your local store.
Grease Stains:
One of the toughest laundry problems is grease stains on your clothing. This is one problem that will need immediate attention. A pre-treat product will come in handy and will need to be used as soon as you know you have grease stains. Use a small brush and a little elbow power to rub it in and hopefully this will help get it out. If your job or a spouses job involves heavy dirt and grease you can stay on top of this a lot better. These clothes also need to be washed separate from all of your other clothing.
Children’s Clothing:
This is one area where parents must stay on top of all stains. Food and juices will create stains that will be hard to get out if not treated properly and immediately. Carrying a stain stick product in your diaper bag or purse is a great idea when traveling.
We have lots of other common laundry problems coming up in our next blog. Be sure to come back and read more. Laundry Express, laundry services in Raleigh NC, is your go to laundromat and dry cleaning facility. Come by and check out all our services today!