Best Ways To Wash Swimwear

We hope that you are enjoying this beautiful spring time weather.  Before we know it it is summer time and the temps are going to get really hot!  With that summer time weather comes of course the beach and swimming.  We all love to hit the beach and of course we want to look super great doing it.  Most of us spend a whole lot of time searching for the absolute perfect swimwear and usually that swimwear is not cheap.  Swimwear is really expensive.   Once you have invested in a really great suit or bikini you will want to take as much care as possible to keep it looking good as new all summer long.

Wash Your Swimwear! | Raleigh Laundromat

Many things can affect the fabric of our swimwear.  Wearing it daily, pool chemicals, sunscreens, and even the sand can all take a toll on our swimwear. All of these things make the delicate fibers that make up a swimsuit very vulnerable to wear and tear.  Here are some great tips for caring for your swimwear that should help to prolong the life of that really great swimsuit you love!

First thing is you must remember to always rinse your swimsuit out every time you wear it.  No detergent, just a really thorough rinse in cool water. Even if you only sunbathe in it.  Rinsing it will remove the chlorine, sunscreen, sweat and dirt. Soaking it for up to 30 minutes is even better.  This is because the spandex or lycra each piece of swimwear contains is susceptible to chlorine and other chemicals and these can cause yellowing if not removed.

Just plain water cannot get rid of all the chlorine and also the sand and salt. In the sink you can use cool water and a tiny amount of liquid detergent. Don’t use more than a tablespoon.  No bleach should be used either.  Turn the suit inside out and place it into the water.  You will want to only gently swish it around for a bit.  Do not agitate at all. Gently swish then rinse it really well taking care to get out all the laundry detergent.

Once this is done do NOT twist or wring the water out of your swimsuit. Simply squeeze gently to get out the water.  To dry your suit lay it flat but never in the sun.  The sun can further harm the fabric of the suit and will fade it.  Dry inside or at least in the shade.

Washing Tips | Raleigh Laundromat

  1. If you can purchase two swimsuits then alternate them.  This will give one a chance to recover before use again.
  2. If you are away from home find a shower.  Rinse your suit immediately.
  3. Be really careful where you sit.  Most pools have rough concrete and decking so be careful sitting on them in your suit.  Use a towel for the best protection.
  4. Sunbathe first, will help you rinse off the sunscreen if you swim after.  This will keep the chemicals from damaging the fabric.
Laundry Express | Raleigh Laundromat

Knowing how to properly care for your swimwear will ensure that you are looking great all summer long.  Proper rinsing and washing will keep that suit newer looking longer.

Laundry Express offers a state of the art Raleigh laundromat for all your summertime laundry needs.  We also offer wash, dry, fold service to help you keep up and be able to enjoy this beautiful weather all season long.  Come visit us today!




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