Back to School Tips Part One

It’s really hard to imagine but back to school time is already upon us.  By now most of us are trying to get in those last minute vacations, swim in the pool, lay around in the summer sun, and generally get in those great summertime activities that will begin to close out over the next month or so.  Over the next two blog posts we are going to offer up some really great tips for getting the kids (and you) ready for back to school.

Back to School Tips | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

It can seem overwhelming to get ready, get back on a proper schedule, and get organized but we can sympathize and believe these tips will help save your sanity in the coming weeks.

One of the first things to do is look at your kids bedtime routine.  It’s likely the bedtime schedule has gone by the wayside during the summer vacation.  Staying up really late watching movies or playing video games is the norm.

Sleeping in later also wrecks havoc on the routine.  This is just part of the normal summer break from school.  All parents know that kids need their sleep once school starts.  If they do not get the proper amount then  their grades will be affected and so will the emotions that will follow.  To help them (and you) get ready for the change in bedtime begin now.  Start putting the school days routine back into your day.  A little bit at a time until a week before school starts.

You can start by curtailing the later hours about 15 minutes or so over a few days time then increase the time until the week before school is to begin.  Do this with the morning wake up time also.  This will gently condition them back to a more normal routine.  Children from ages 3-12 need about 10-12 hours sleep a night.  Ages 12-18 need at least 8-9 hours.

Hopefully these tips will get you started on developing the back to school routine you need.  Our next blog post will give even more tips to help you remain as stress free as possible.

Laundry Express | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

If you find yourself in need of some extra time or help preparing your kids laundry for the coming school year Laundry Express, coin laundry in Raliegh NC is here!  We are a state of the art laundry facility that can help with all of your laundry needs.  Give us a call today!


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