Take Advantage of Wash and Fold Laundry Services!

fluff and fold in Raleigh NCSometimes, laundry chores are the last thing on our to-do list for the day, even when it should be at the top of the list. Those that work all week only have time to do laundry on the weekends. Weekends should be spent enjoying time with family and friends. The constant pull and tug of needing to do laundry chores but wanting to do other things can become overwhelming. If you can’t find the right time to do laundry during your busy schedule, don’t worry! There are options! A great alternative to washing your own clothing is taking advantage of a fluff and fold in Raleigh NC!

That’s right, a fluff and fold is basically a laundromat that offers services that include washing, drying and folding your laundry for you! All you have to do is drop the clothing off and then pick it up and take it home, once it’s laundered!

Laundry Express | Fluff and Fold in Raleigh NC

Taking advantage of wash-dry-fold services opens up a great deal of time for those that are constantly bogged down with a mountain of laundry to wash! Families large and small can greatly benefit from using these laundry services!

A fluff and fold in Raleigh NC can save you time and effort, and is very easy to use! Just collect all your dirty laundry in a bag and drop it off at Laundry Express. Then, when they’re done with the washing, drying and folding process, they’ll give you a call. You can pick your laundry up, take it home and worry about other things other than washing laundry!

Don’t hesitate to take advantage of all that a fluff and fold in Raleigh NC can offer you. We know how hard it is to balance work, kids, and life in general. Eliminate one thing that can save you a ton of time and effort! Visit Laundry Express, today!


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