Easy Laundry Tips!

Raleigh Laundromat: Laundry Tips!

Washing clothes and other laundry can be a pain, at times. It’s even worse when you make a mistake or forget to check the pockets before washing or drying. Below, you’ll find a few tips that can help you make laundry easier. We’ll also add a few tips that will help you keep your whites white and stains at bay! These tips, from marthastewart.com, are a great way to get yourself into a new laundry routine, just in time for the New Year!

Pre-Washing | Raleigh Laundromat

Remove pins or buckles, zip zippers, close snaps and hooks, and secure Velcro to prevent snags and abrasions. Don’t button buttons, because this can stress the buttons and buttonholes.

Empty pockets and turn them inside out, unfurl socks, and unroll cuffs. Tie sashes and strings to prevent tangling. Place delicate items like lingerie and fine knitwear in zippered mesh bags. Turn delicate items, sweaters, and cotton T-shirts inside out to prevent pilling.

DIY Fabric Softener

Residues from fabric softeners and their fragrances can aggravate allergies and sensitivities, and leave buildup on moisture sensors or lint screens, blocking air flow.

For a DIY fabric softener, add between 1/4 cup and 1 cup white vinegar to the final rinse cycle.

Bluing the Laundry

Once a laundry room staple, bluing is an old-fashioned product that was added to the wash or rinse cycle to give whites a very subtle blue tint. Bluing makes some white fabrics that already have a blue-white hue appear even brighter, cleaner, and whiter. Bluing fell out of use as fabric detergents became more effective, but even with improved formulas, whites gradually begin to look dingy after repeated washings. Chlorine bleach is an effective whitener, but it can weaken fabrics and fibers.

Removing Stains 101

The best way to fix a stain is to treat it before it sets. Quickly scoop up solids with a dull edge, and blot liquids with a clean white cloth from the outside in to avoid spreading. Treat stains before washing, and always make sure stains have been removed before putting items in the dryer as heat sets stains into fabric. Use our comprehensive Stain First Aid chart to treat specific spot types.

DIY Laundry Detergent

Use a gentle, nontoxic soap or detergent, and boost the cleaning power as needed by adding 1/2 cup borax. This naturally occurring mineral has antiseptic, antibacterial, water-softening, and whitening properties.

Brighten Whites Without Bleach

The first step to keeping whites bright is to wash them separately in hot water. Smaller items like napkins, socks, and linens can be whitened on the stove in a solution of hot water and lemon slices. Fill a pot with water and a few lemon slices, bring to a boil, turn off the heat, and add linens. Soak for up to an hour and then launder as usual. Whites can also be lightened with a 1/2 cup of borax or white vinegar mixed into one gallon of water during the wash cycle. For an extra brightening boost, hang laundry in the sun for natural bleaching.

Laundry Express | Raleigh Laundromat

If you’re running yourself ragged, trying to keep up with all the extra laundry that the holidays can bring, be sure to check out our Raleigh laundromat! We offer state of the art machines for washing and drying. We also offer other laundry services that include dry cleaning, wash-dry-fold, and stain removal! Don’t fall behind on laundry when we are here to help! Visit us soon!


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