Ways to Remove Static Cling!

laundryFall is here and with that comes cooler mornings and evenings! Pretty soon, we will all be bundling up for the entire day, as cold weather sets in during winter! While we might enjoy the colder weather for a change, there’s one thing that most people hate; static cling!

Thankfully, our Raleigh Laundromat has a way to get rid of static cling, even if you’re dealing with it year round! Below, you’ll find a few tips that will greatly reduce the wretched issues and keep your clothing (and hair) free from static!

Eliminate positive household charges. All types of clothing toys, building materials, and more can really cause an electrostatic charge. While we must live with these things, there are a few things we can do to reduce static cling during winter, when it’s at its worst.

When it’s time to replace bedding, toys, clothing, and more, be sure to choose the following materials to help cut down on static cling:

  • Wool
  • Cotton
  • Linen
  • Silk

Steer clear of anything made from:

  • Acrylic
  • Nylon
  • Rayon
  • Polyester
  • Acetate

These types of materials harbor electrostatic charges all the time, but they’re worse come winter! If you can’t go out and buy a new wardrobe, bedding, and more (which we totally understand!) Consider removing the items below from your daily activities and laundry chores:

Never use dryer sheets. Believe it or not, dryer sheets actually make static cling worse; especially during winter. Even more, they have toxic chemicals in them that can cause irritation and breathing problems! Instead of dryer sheets, use a ¼ cup of white vinegar to your clothes and bedding, as they’re washing! You’ll be surprised at the difference!

Get Rid of Static Cling | Raleigh Laundromat

There are many other natural ways to eliminate static cling, as well! Be sure to visit back with our Raleigh Laundromat next post to learn more! In the meantime, check out our services to see if our coin laundry in Raleigh NC can help you fight the mountain of laundry that seems to be never ending!


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