Have You Cleaned Your Washer and Dryer Lately?!

Laundry is a basic chore that can sometimes cause us stress. Keeping up with a family’s laundry can be difficult. There are a few things you can do to help. It might not lessen your load, but it will ensure that your machines are ready to go and working properly so that when you do laundry loads, that’s all you have to worry about!

We rarely think about cleaning our washer and dryer! It’s something that should be done, especially if you are a frequent launderer. Below, you’ll find a few tips that will help you keep your washer in top shape so you can continue with your laundry chores without any other issues getting in the way!

Raleigh Laundromat: Washing Machine Cleaning Tips

Clean the washing machine. Are you known to overload a load of clothing with too much detergent? If so, you’ll want to give your washer a break by cleaning it. The extra detergent can cause soap scum buildup in the washer’s pipes and tubes. It’s important to run an empty washer full of water and add a cup of white vinegar. Let the washer complete a cycle. This will help to clear out all soap scum and deodorize your washer.

Not sure you want to waste all that water? Consider adding a cup of vinegar to your regular wash load. It not only removes the soap scum in the pipes but it also naturally deodorizes your clothing! If you are a frequent laundry washer, be sure to add vinegar at least once a month. If you don’t do many loads, every 4-6 months works great!

For more laundry tips, be sure to visit back with our Raleigh Laundromat soon! We will have dryer cleaning tips for you, next post. We strive to help you lessen your load with laundry chores by offering easy tips and how-tos!

If you’re running yourself ragged, trying to keep up with laundry chores be sure to check out our coin-op laundry in Raleigh NC! We offer state of the art machines for washing and drying so you can get all your laundry done at one time! Our Raleigh Laundromat also offers laundry services that include dry cleaning, wash dry fold, and stain removal! Don’t fall behind on laundry when we are here to help! Visit us soon!


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