Prepare Your Closet For Fall

Summer isn’t over yet, but fall is obviously around the corner! Cooler temps are upon us and it’s giving everyone the itch for fall! Pumpkins, baked goods, shorter days, and everything else that comes with fall is glorious! After a scorching summer, autumn is always a nice breath of fresh air.

What most hate about summer’s end though, is the obligation to get your home ready for the upcoming cold weather. Winterizing your home, checking for maintenance issues and repairs, cleaning the gutters, reinforcing windows and doors and more can become tedious and tiresome.

As you’re enjoying the last bits of summer, make sure that your home is prepared for the coming fall season. Preparation for fall often includes switching out your spring/summer wardrobe for a fall/winter one. It can also include switching out bedding, curtains, and other seasonal items.

Prepare Your Closet for Fall | Coin-Op Laundry Raleigh NC

When preparing for a season change, it’s best to follow a few tips our coin-op laundry in Raleigh NC has put together to make the transition as easy as possible!

  • Always make sure you group your seasonal items into two groups only. A spring/summer group and a fall/winter group. Having more than that will get very tricky when trying to store and sort.
  • As you put away spring/summer clothing and bedding be sure to clean them, even if you think they’re OK. Pests love to feed on dead skin cells that might be lurking on your clothing or bedding, clean or not. The last thing you want to do is have to replace your wardrobe or bedding at the beginning of a season! Be proactive and clean all items before storing them for the upcoming seasons.

For more tips, be sure to visit back with our coin-op laundry in Raleigh NC for help getting your fall/winter closet ready to go! If you need help laundering your large items, like spring/summer bedding or linens, be sure to visit our Raleigh Laundromat! We offer state of the art machines that you’ll fall in love with!




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