The Laundry That Never Gets Folded…

Coin Laundry Raleigh NC: Tips To Help With a Mountain of Laundry!

When 5+ loads of laundry need to be washed and you have only one free day to get caught up, it might seem overwhelming and stressful. Washing and drying the mountain of laundry might be the easy part, but  then comes the folding, hanging and putting away all the clothes.

Each time a load of clothes finishes drying,  many people throw them on the bed or in a clothes basket so they can dry the clothes in the washer and start a new load.

Though you might not have time to wash and dry the clothes, let alone fold them and put them away, there are a few tips that can help you get your laundry in order.  Before you throw the next load on the bed or in the laundry basket, read on so that when you want to wear those items again they aren’t a wrinkled mess!

Coin Laundry Raleigh NC | Organizing Unfolded Clean Clothing!

  • Instead of throwing the clothes from the dryer in a wad on the bed or in the laundry basket, lay them all out flat, so they won’t wrinkle.
  • Put all the socks and underwear in a separate pile that can be folded later.
  • Hold t-shirts by the shoulder seams and give it a good flap to get out the initial wrinkles.  Then lay it flat on the bed.  Repeat this same process with every t-shirt in the basket.  Though they’ll be slightly wrinkled, it’ll be nothing like it would be if you left them in a wad!
  • Shirts that need hanging should also be laid flat in a single layer.

There are many laundry tips and tricks that can help working people or busy parents get laundry done without all the stresses of actually setting aside precious time to do so. For more tips on how to deal with laundry that you don’t have time to fold or hang right away, be sure to visit back with us soon.

For large items that wont fit in your washer or dryer at home, visit our coin laundry in Raleigh NC! We have the nicest, largest machines available for you at Laundry Express!


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