Spring Cleaning: Laundry Style!

Welcome back! Our Raleigh Laundromat has a couple more tips to help you spring clean your laundry room, as well as help eliminate excess laundry chores! Below, you’ll find a few tips that will help spruce up your drab laundry room and help to eliminate unnecessary laundry loads!

Raleigh Laundromat: Enhance the Appearance of Your Laundry Room

No one likes walking into a drab room with nothing pretty or positive to look at. It’s also especially hard to walk into a drab laundry room and make yourself do work in there.

A fresh coat of light colored paint can really help liven the room up. Choose a nice light blue, gray, or off-white. A color that will help reflect light can even brighten up a laundry area stuck in a dark corner of the basement! Adding a mirror or other art to the wall helps as well!

No one ever said the laundry room couldn’t have style and décor! Make the room something you love; somewhere you don’t mind spending time in!

Clean out the Closets

One of the #1 spring cleaning to-dos on most every homeowners list, cleaning out the clothes and linen closets might seem less like laundry room spring cleaning and more like typical household chores. What you don’t realize is that by getting rid of clothing that no longer fits, never looked right, or just isn’t your style, you are doing a couple of things that help lighten your laundry load and routine:

  • Help clothes last longer. They’ll need less attention if they’re stored in a space that’s uncrowded and that allows air to circulate better.  Air should be able to circulate around each piece. You’ll also prevent wear by excessive rubbing and the iron will be needed less often.
  • Eliminate clothing that is never worn. There will be less laundry to clean, less clothing to pick up off the floor (after they’ve been tried on and discarded.)

Laundry chores don’t have to be the worst thing in your life! Of course, it’ll never be the highlight of your day, but there are ways to make it a bit better than it is now! To find out how to spring clean your laundry routine, visit back with us soon!

Also, be sure to visit our Raleigh Laundromat for all your laundry needs! We offer:

  • Wash, Dry, & Fold
  • Dry Cleaning
  • Stain and Fabric Specialists
  • We wash all pet laundry including dog, cat, and animal items.
  • Pick up or drop off at your home or office for laundry and dry cleaning.
  • Wash large items like bedspreads, comforters, and rugs

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