Spring Clean Your Laundry Room!

Coin Laundry Raleigh NC: Spring Clean Your Laundry Room!

Warmer weather has popped up occasionally at this point and it seems that spring cleaning has begun. Spring cleaning consists of cleaning our homes from top to bottom and side to side; leaving nothing unturned or unwashed! One room that almost always gets neglected though is the laundry room. In addition, our laundry routine tends to fall by the wayside, as well! Thankfully, by taking just a few simple steps, you can spring clean your laundry room and laundry routine so that it will stay fresh and clean throughout the entire year! Our coin laundry in Raleigh NC  has a few easy tips to help spring clean your laundry room!

Appliances need a good cleaning every now and then, even our washers and dryers. Springtime is the best time to clean each and every appliance in your laundry room, whether you realize you need to clean it or not. The best place to start is with the iron. Even when used intermittently, the iron can’t function properly if it’s dirty. Below, you’ll find a few steps that will help ensure that your iron stays clean all year, no matter how many times it’s used!

Coin Laundry Raleigh NC | Spring Cleaning Tips

  1. First, make sure your iron is off and unplugged. Soak a paper towel in vinegar and lay the iron on it for five minutes. Then, start rubbing again to remove all buildup and stains.
  2. Place baking soda on the vinegar-soaked paper towel, lay the iron on top of the paper towel, and begin “ironing” the towel.  The baking soda acts as an abrasive, helping scrub the buildup and stains right off.
  3. For the stubborn areas, use a toothpick as backup to scrape buildup away!

If the iron is in terrible shape, skip the vinegar and go straight for the baking soda. Then, try to remember to clean it once every few months with the vinegar method, to maintain its shiny new-like appearance!

Spring cleaning your laundry room, appliances, and laundry routine will make you feel refreshed and renewed, as we enter into spring and summer! For more tips from our coin laundry in Raleigh NC, on how to spring clean your laundry room and laundry routine, visit back with Laundry Express soon!

In the meantime, contact us for help with all your laundry needs! We offer a coin laundry in Raleigh NC, as well as a stain specialist, wash-fold-dry services, and more!


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