Laundry Tips for Perfect Laundry Loads

Welcome back! In our last post we shared a few ways to ensure you’re doing your laundry properly. With the help from author Joey Green, we are able to learn to like laundry – at least a little bit!

Wash-Dry-Fold Raleigh NC: Perfect Laundry Loads!

Below, you’ll find a few more tips to help you learn the proper way to do laundry:

Don’t overstuff. Full loads save on energy and water. It’s important to ensure that each load is a full load. It’s not, however, a good idea to fill your washer so full that it has trouble getting the clothing inside clean and rinsed. Top loaders can only handle about 16 lbs of clothing. Front loaders can hold a little more, at 20lbs. Though most of us don’t weigh our laundry, it is a good idea to only fill the washer about 3/4s of the way to the top of the drum!

Add soap first.  It’s always important to add the detergent first. Allow it to dissolve in the water, and then add your clothing. The soap will be more effective if it has time to dissolve into the water. Otherwise, you might end up with residue on your freshly cleaned clothing!

Mark your measuring cup. According to Consumer Report, “liquid detergent caps are often impossible to read, leading to overdosing of detergents, which itself can leave detergent residues that make your clothes look dingy. Instead, mark the fill line with a permanent marker so it’s easy to see. When it comes to actual amounts, follow your machine manufacturer’s recommendations, not the detergent manufacturer’s.”

Soft water can require less soap than hard water. Sometimes, soft water needs a bit of baking soda combined with the detergent to help it dissolve better. Trial and error can help you determine what’s best for your water and your washer.

Wash-Dry-Fold Raleigh NC | Laundry Tips

If you’re interested in learning a few more tips for washing laundry properly, be sure to visit back with us on our next post! In the meantime, be sure to check out Laundry Express’s services. Our Laundromat, a wash-dry-fold in Raleigh NC, offers easy to use, quality washing machines for those large items that won’t fit into your washer or dryer at home. Also, we have a stain specialist, guaranteed to remove any type of stain! Contact us for more information!


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